
Blood in the Water


01-23-2018, 04:45 AM
Amon failed not to see and recognise who had greeted him at his borders, noticing within an instant the family bond that the pair had. It might have been distant, but nonetheless it was there, and it was unforgiving. He returned the nod in greeting. ”It’s good to see you well.” ”Thank you, cousin. I had hoped to grow a little more than I have, though there is time.” He hoped to be big and strong, though the size of Amon was daunting. Mercury’s head came to just below Amon’s shoulders: he towered over him like a deity all dressed in black. It was truly astounding. If only he had those genes to allow him to grow as tall.

”I wondered if Eurynome had not led others to follow her path.” A genuine smile had dressed itself across Amon’s lips, and Mercury could do little but laugh. His cousin had always been a character, and he expected as much to not change – and he couldn’t be more wrong. ”She left a path alright,” He said in return with a shake of his head and a chuckle: something which was not seen very often.

Amon then asked how the last few years had fared for Mercury, and it was at that moment that the man took a seat. They had been plentiful. ”Well, cousin. I grew up as a role-model to my younger siblings, but soon realised that wasn’t enough for me. I needed to be more than just my fathers puppet.” He explained, maintaining eye contact with the beast. ”It is good to hear that the Abraxas are expanding. I always knew we had potential.” He rumbled, looking out to the horizon then and looking at what Amon had managed to achieve whilst he had been away. Turning back to the black male at the words that spilled from his lips, Mercury nodded. ”Yes. I feel as if I need to prove myself to the Abraxas, earn the family name. My life with my father has not led me to do that yet.” He explained with a shake of his head. It was entirely possible for Amon to become a mentor to the man, a friend, and more importantly, a new father figure in his life.