
In the dark of the night


01-23-2018, 12:50 PM
OOC: v_v I tried to not make this immediate, but, he wouldn't listen to me, I'm sorry D:

His large paws barely made a sound as he drifted across the rocks and sands of the beach he had found himself cast upon, sent here by the other gods to reign hell upon the mortals. Bright ghostly eyes lit up with the eerie teal light that was created by the disturbance of bioluminescent algae as the waves broke, his pelt cast with momentary light as he followed the surf down the shoreline. Those eerie white eyes landed on something else alight in the dark, and it drew him like a beacon to find what made it. It almost seemed to match the glow of the ocean, but as he drew nearer, he noticed it carried the scent of a female.

Ah, there was something he would be happy to see, though...perhaps that was not entirely true. Happy was foreign to the male unless he was ripping something apart or destroying dynasties. Surprise might be a better word to describe the pleasant feeling that thrummed within his chest. Nebulous tail swung high above his hips as he raised his celestial crown and halted right before the dame's nose, looking down at her with a deadly pale gaze that seemed to pierce right down to the girl's soul as she lay below him on the rocks.

"You carry the stars, and the light. What other mysteries your body must hold. You were meant for me, I can tell..." He spoke with a deep, rolling timbre in his throat, a veiled threat beneath the tone of his smokey voice. What he wouldn't give to possess a creature who had fallen from the heavens as he did. Gehenna strode forward a single step, smiling like a Cheshire cat with sabered teeth that fell well below his jawline. The vampire was an imposing creature and moved once more to take away the space of the heavenly female who lay before him. He prayed she would stand and try to fight him, after all, what was a bitch for? And if she had washed up on any other beach, he wouldn't have thought that she had been left for him.

That was what he was thinking as he moved slowly to take her personal space, step by step until they were nearly toe to toe. His dark, blackened hackles stood on end as his nebulous blue banner waved in shallow aggressive and dominant display. His intentions were clear, and he had never come here with the intentions of playing around. Yes, she was young, but that gave him time to train and groom her the way he wanted, to break her down until she was subservient to all he needed. Currently, the beast wanted her to fight for her freedom because he intended to take it.

Gehenna vs Arwen for Right to Mate
Round #: 0 / ?
Height: 36in.
Build: Heavy
"Talk." "You." Think.