
In the dark of the night



6 Years
01-23-2018, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2018, 01:29 AM by Iskra. Edit Reason: Her name's not Israel, also editing after Gehenna backed down. )
Having just crested a hill coming from the wraiths woods Iskra wandered slowly. Her mind was quite occupied with serious thoughs, which she'd hoped to erase by spending some time by the water. The woman couldn't have predicted the manner in which this would be accomplished though - as she gazed out towards the water what did she see but a glittering, glowing ocean. Of course it wasn't the pretty scenery that set her hackles to rising and teeth to bearing in the span of a single second, but the sight of a single glowing spot with golden patches she knew instinctively to be arwen. She was surrounded by all manner of figures - goodness there were more than there surely ought to be - none of which Iskra could easily recognize from so far away. So she ran, determined not to fail her adopted glowing blue wonder again.

As she raced onto the scene at top speed, legs carrying her as quickly as they could, she did realize she knew who two of these figures were. One was Pyralis, a woman Iskra didn't particularly care for though perhaps if she'd met her one on one the first time things may have been different. The other was Kanja, who she actually had quite liked. None of them mattered though, because as soon as she'd noticed the starry man moving threateningly towards Arwen she could feel her blood boil in her veins. Swerving so she could leap up onto a larger rock, Iskra flung herself through the air towards Gehenna, aiming to slam violently into the upper center of his left side with her chest, jaws parted in a wild snarl as she readied them to either unleash a flurry of bites or curses, maybe both. She probably tipped him off with her less than stealthy approach, so the woman was prepared to land either on ground or wolf, whichever the case may be.

Iskra vs. Gehenna for Protection of Arwen from force breeding
Round 0/?
Height: 30 inches
Build: medium