
No child of ours should have to die for us[gabe and Raph(?)]

Gabriel I


6 Years
Dire wolf
01-23-2018, 10:29 PM
Wordlessly his brother would lead him onward, the soft brush of his waving tail against his own rump signalling his glee. The sourness of his mood was quelled momentarily by his brother's giddiness. Even in this cursed situation of theirs, he found a small thing to bring him joy. Perhaps the herald should be taking a page from his book, damned or not. The pungent tang of sap gave way to the distinctive smell of stone. There was no real way to describe the scent of stones, but it seemed everyone was aware of such a thing.

Snow crunched beneath his paws, the chill of it biting into his pads like sharp teeth. He leaned a little closer to Samael's shoulder, feeling him press back against him. They began to climb, a teetering incline moving ceaselessly upward. Was this a trap? Would Samael shove him from some great height, despite what he had said? Anyone else might thrust him from the greatest of heights, and banish him to Hell. His transgressions against this man and his family had been horrific. Resignation seated itself in his chest, weighted his heart. Should such violence be his end, then he would accept it. Penance for his sins, though Samael denied it.

Before he knew it, a sharp bark boomed from Samael's jaws. It startled him, just a little. Auds flicked back for a moment, and he stumbled on his feet. Introspection was dangerous, in excess. He must remind himself of that, more and more lately. He waited, strained to hear anything from around him. The scents of a small group were scattered about, children and adults alike. Faded milk scent, stronger than on Samael's coat. THis was where the children were being reared, he guessed. It was achingly familiar, like a knife in his guts- he longed for it to be his siblings again, young and foolish.

Tiny paw steps. Delicate, barely disturbing the snow beneath them. Excited, nonetheless, and quick. A child. Alabaster auds would perk, shoving forward to follow the approach of the little one. The scent was female. Samael seated himself at his side, and Gabriel took the hint. Settled himself neatly on the snow, trying not to intimidate another child. Would this one fear his mangled face? He could feel a small form pressing closer to his body, close to his forelimbs. "This is Dominika Elizaveta Lunashka-Morningstar."

"One of your newest blessings?" He questioned softly, features remaining pointed in a direction just away from the pair. Sightless eyes narrowed in concentration, trying to pick apart the scents. "I'm sure she's beautiful." Quietly, the words were meant only for his brother. He didn't need working eyes to know that Samael would make glorious offspring. After all, he had once been a holy creature like Gabriel and the rest. Now he tried to tip his head down, muzzle pointed to the left a little. Her frail form was leaned against his foreleg on the left side, and she hadn't said anything yet. "Hello, dear." He crooned, trying to make his smile genuine. It was hard, his head hurt from crying. "Good to meet you," he assured her, daring to lower his crown so he might nuzzle the top of her head.


walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics

Samael, as Gabriel's brother/stalker, will likely be making appearances in any/all of his threads to distantly stare at his interactions. Just an FYI.

**Also, his face is heavily scarred on the left side, none of his tables reflect this yet. Missing fur on the cheek, below the eye, and scars across the bridge of his muzzle and down his neck.