
Of Little Scamps and Tired Mothers



4 Years
Extra large
01-24-2018, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2018, 11:21 AM by Artemis.)

Hearing an unfamiliar how split the air would not normally be much of a concern, except that this stranger was definitely calling for her. Artemis' head lifted and tilted, trying to make sure she wasn't mistaken. She would not be so lucky. With a sigh and a groan the astral woman rose to her feet. What was it now, she thought wearily. Her bones seemed to ache with an age she had not possessed before childbirth. There was no illusion in her mind that whatever this stranger was calling her for had something to do with her children. The call was a polite request of her presence, so she doubted they were any danger.... Yet, anyways.

She supposed it was possible that this was a social call. It wouldn't be unheard of, but that didn't mean she didn't doubt it. She would recognize Angelus' voice, and it definitely wasn't one of her sisters. Upon arrival, Artemis was surprised to see a man who could match Angelus in size, even if he was very different in his appearance. Startling sapphire eyes held an amused light while he looked over... Jupiter.

Of course.

Her silver eyes narrowed at the young pup, one brow arching in a delicate curve. "Jupiter, I hope you're not going to make this kind gentleman explain to me what exactly is going on here." Oh, she had a mother's fury brewing in her belly; the sort that was a mixture of fear and giddy relief and searing anger at all the possibilities the situation could have held. What if Jupiter hadn't, come back, hmm? What then? The little twerp thought he was immortal, and Artemis had never known a fear like the fear of losing a child.

She turned to the large red man and with both fury and overwhelming relief in her eyes, she said quite sincerely, "Thank you. And whatever trouble he caused you, I'm sorry. Can I pay you back, somehow?" She wasn't sure how Ty would feel about her finding a meal for a stranger, and a stranger who smelled strongly of another pack at that, but if he'd come to bring her son home it was the very least she could do. Artemis' limbs shook ever so slightly. She felt in desperate need of a nap, but not until she could find somewhere secure to stash her eldest son and keep him for a while.

"Talk" "You" Think
Artemis' family members are always allowed in her threads!