
This was and still is my home[joining]

Gargoyle I


07-04-2013, 04:12 PM

Masqurading as a man with a reason

My charade is the Event of the season

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming

I can hear them say:


The loyal Glacia's had only just set foot in their new home. Honestly, Gargoyle had come looking for help from Desdemonda, the white she-wolf with whom he'd found an odd comradery. Imagine his surprise when the place was empty. Surprise and good luck. His family needed a place to stay, and this was it. The male had settled in to setting up a home, but he was drawn away from his duties by a sound on the wind. A howl, and not form any voice he knew. It couldn't be some rogue seeking to join already? perhaps it was one of the Native Tortugans seeking answers or a way back in. Most likely. There was a time when Glaciems and Tortugans were ready to go to war with eachother, but now Gargoyle found himself trotting calmly down the slopes to say hello.

The stranger on the border was a dark brown pelted male with a scared nose and a white patch over one eye. He smelled of the Tortugan lands, surely then he was a native. Gargoyle didn't like the idea that he was stepping on another wolf's toes. He wanted to find Desdemonda. Perhaps this wolf knew.... or perhaps he was in the dark too.

Either way, the Chief with the dead pan face and the yellow eyes, halted at a comfortable speaking distance and sat his haunches down in the earth. His neck, throat and leg still bore the glaring pink signs of healing flesh, but his strength had returned and he only needed the slightest sign of danger to go into defensive fighting for his family.

"Good day, stranger," he drawled. "From the scent you carry, my guess is you have as many questions as I do. But why don't you go first?"


Carry on my Wayward Son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you Cry No More