
In the dark of the night


01-24-2018, 06:18 PM
He couldn't help but grin as the girl lifted her head and showed off her fangs in a soundless snarl, his starry banner waving as he tossed his head and dared to laugh gleefully at her resistance. Crow-hopping on his yellow and purple galaxial forelimbs, Gehenna growled and showed her the long, deadly weapons he couldn't hide, also keeping silent as he gaped his mouth a little in a silent display of fatality. The little star gathered her paws and appeared ready to lunge at Gehenna, a much better posture than the sad and lonely thing he had seen only moments earlier.

Another delighted gurgle of laughs escaped the maniacal beast, and he parted his jaws to explain, dancing away from the little spitfire he had found. Before he could speak, a large, rather plain woman and an equally plain male came and jutted their opinions in. "If that's your idea of a pick-up line..." The woman said, though he stopped listening as soon as she started pointing her tongue. The male stated his agreement and soon after another large - though not so plain - woman waltzed in. A broad smile graced the heathen's lips as he looked down at the starry woman who's glow had led him this far down the beach.

Once again, the beast backed away from the female, giving her another foot of space. He tried to speak against the accusations brought toward him, but the sound of paws and a snarling battle-cry on his upper left had him looking up. White eyes widened as they landed on a scarlet star hurtling toward him with reckless abandon, shock and reflexes saved him and he back-pedaled on the stones beneath his dark paws, narrowly avoiding the attack from above. Agitated that he had yet to explain himself, Gehenna growled deep in his booming chest at the red woman who hurled curses and obscenities at him. He understood she might be part of the girl's family - or something - but he should at least get to speak! "Come now, come now...calm down. I am no pervert, nor do I deserve teeth for merely taking more space and being a good actor..." He lied through his elongated teeth, though gave no outward tells, even a well-versed wolf would have trouble telling through his lies. A smile was given and he ducked his head, "My apologies, young miss, for frightening you so." He spoke softly, with a rhythmic, soothing rumble in his throat.

"You seemed so sad and alone, and I find anger is often an easy route to forget my sorrow. And look, my actions have brought friends for you! You are not as alone as you thought you were." He dipped his celestial crown and grinned, white eyes moving around the wolves gathered. "Forgive the misconception, I meant no true ill-will. I only wanted for the young lady to stop being sad..." Holding his crown low, and giving an oddly-placed whine, Gehenna gained a hopeful expression. "Perhaps, we can start over, everyone?" He asked, looking to the scarlet nebula that had attacked him. Maybe the dark, chaotic god would win them over, he would have to wait and find out. Fighting so many mortals at once would be tedious, and he wasn't sure yet what this body would be able to handle as far as injury. Maybe one day he would test it out, but for now, he wished to find out if he got to live passed his instincts actions.

Gehenna vs Arwen for RTM
Round: 1/1 - Gehenna concedes!
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy
"Talk." "You." Think.