
[Marvel] Choose your own way



5 Years
Extra large
01-24-2018, 11:28 PM
Pride swelled in her chest when Da gave an approving nod. Yay! Her tail wagged a few times behind her, excited. He looked at her in earnest when she asked her question, and he didn't take very long to respond. "The hunters are those that when I claim a land as our home, take up the rank to ensure everyone is fed. Though for now it is Mammon, Sathanus and I who are the hunters. Our fighters, or protectors, are Leviathan, Sathanus, and I. And our healers are Uriel, and Gabriel if he so desires the knowledge."

It took a few moments for her to digest the words. Run them over in her head and translate them back and forth until they made sense. Sathanus wasn't much of a hunter. She never brought them anything to eat! She was angry enough to be a good fighter though. Mammon did a good enough job of keeping them fed, that was half the reason she liked the bigger lady. Da was the best at bringing them food, though. He alwys had something to eat. Uriel? Oh, the strange lady, big like mama, who had come that morning when Da called for them. She had smelled like dirt, kind of. Was that what plants smelled like? Huh. Gabriel was her.. uncle? Yeah, that was right. Why wouldn't he want to be part of the family, though?

Titanic form, wreathed in ivory, reclined so that her father might regard her more closely. The young pup met his brimstone gaze easily, holding it. "This shaman your mother is fetching, did she tell you why she wants you to meet the shaman?" He asked, and there was a weird tone to his voice. What was that all about? She shrugged, eyes flitting back to the dead animals on the dais. "Said Svarog blessed me, that holy wolf should teach me the ways." She mumbled, gaze returning to her father's features. "Excited to learn 'bout plants an' stuff." Was uttered next, bobbing her head vehemently. It was going to be so cool!

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
Stock from Castlegraphics