
I'll eat you whole



11 Years
Athena I
07-04-2013, 04:21 PM

This kind act was growing tiring. Alena watched as the brute grew even more suspicious of her, his hackles bristling and all. Alena didn't know why she was bothering. This was almost too much work for her 'good deed' of the day. She wasn't the really the type to try for anything. If there wasn't an instant return for her in it she was known to just leave whatever it was. Or kill it. Whatever worked. Seeing as how he was married and had pups on the way, she wanted to give him some scrap of mercy, but she wasn't going to waste her time with this act. There was no need. She held no ill will toward the brute, but she had no reason to pretend any longer.

It was almost a physical change from her two personalities. There was no insanity in her switch, it was a perfectly calculated change in her behavior that she had honed from a very young age. The kind shine in her eyes switched to cool intelligence and she held herself with more confidence, her ears alert and head held high. Her shoulders were relaxed, sure of her abilities to defend herself from whatever came at her. "You're right," she replied, her voice still holding that naturally gentle timbre, yet still seeming more cool than before. "I have no reason to help you, nor do I particularly want to. But your story is interesting, none of the less, and perhaps eventually I have some skills that might interest you. But for now, your wife is still missing and I have offered my assistance if you would still like for me to join you."
