
I Saw It In The Window And I Just Had To Have It [Lolaf Spar]



7 Years
Extra large
01-26-2018, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2020, 11:50 AM by Torin.)

Torin, shifted on his toes slightly, assuring his head was tucked, his spine aligning, tail flagging out behind him. He narrowed his eyes, ears pulling back flat against his skull. His hackles raised and as he watched his opponent Torin rolled his shoulders forwards slightly in a mimic of Ashiel's movement. Torin stopped shifting and splayed his toes and bent his knees, feeling assured he had a solid base.

Ashiel rushed him and Torin braced, and then- Impact. Torin grunted as pain laced up his shoulder as Ashiel's attack hit true, his shoulder felt weak and Torin took a single stumbling step back, Ashiel's swipe connecting with the middle of his right foreleg, dull claws digging shallow scratches into the front of it.

Almost out of instinct more than anything else Torin moved slightly forwards and sidestepped in towards Ashiel's chest. Torin's jaws parted and he extended his neck downwards and to the left, grasping for purchase on Ashiel's retreating foreleg, hoping to catch Ashiel's right leg at the wrist. As he did so Ashiel's own teeth, having missed his throat with Torin's lunge, instead connected with his right ear, tearing a painful rip along the right outer rim.

Grunting in pain but keeping his own attempted grab steady Torin shifted his weight  so as to lift his front right paw and then tried to bring it down hard on Ashiel's left forepaw, seeking to slam his weight onto the other yearling's toes.

Torin v. Ashiel for Spar
Round 1/2
Height: 40"
Build: Medium

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Risketch