



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
01-25-2018, 08:23 PM
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Ashiel didn't bother addressing Dragon's words, he'd already said his piece. All of Talis could whine about the big mean baddie picking on the poor blind alpha but it didn't change the fact that this was how nature worked.  It was in the nature of the wolf to pick off the weak. What was Dragon hoping? That if he looked pathetic enough he could guilt any potential challengers away?  Ashiel would not be conned by foolish pride. Further more he couldn't give a rat's ass if Talis rebuilt. That wasn't the point. Had he wanted to crush the whole pack he'd have led his family right into their packlands and decimated them. No, he just needed to complete the ritual to start his own pack with the fallen god's blessing. What happened after that was irrelevant. Besides, it might be nice to have a few mortal packs lounging around. He did have a use for them after all, little did they know. Circling above, Griff had chuckled at the jaguars commenting on him being a snack. Like they could catch him! His sharp gaze watched them, ready to call out to Ashiel. They had put together a series of cries that the godling could distinguish to let him know when his one-on-one fight turned into a melee. This battle thrilled him and the kite was finally feeling like he was part of the old legends. Now all they had to do was win.

————————— FIGHT CHUNK —————————

Dragon moved a step to Ashiel's right bringing them back in perfect alignment. As a result the front of Ashiel's left shoulder would collide with the front of Dragon's right shoulder, spoiling both their attacks. Moderate bruising would blossom across the front of Ashiel's left shoulder and he could only imagine the same would occur for his opponent. The impact spoiled his attempt at dislocating his opponents shoulder, but it had also spoiled Dragon's own attempt at ramming his right shoulder into Ashiel's throat. Because they were perfectly centered, and pressed close together, Dragon couldn't ram his shoulder straight into Ashiel's throat. Instead Dragon's right shoulder would knock against the lower left side of Ashiel's neck, leaving only light bruising due to Ashiel's shoulder collision weakening his momentum.

Their direct alignment also brought both wolves' chests crashing squarely into each other. Ashiel had exhaled prior to impact and so was able to inhale sharply right after the impact and keep his breath. However, moderate bruising would also begin to bloom across the center of his chest.

Dragon's upper body would begin to lift and Ashiel's right forepaw would slam down onto the earth, missing it's target. The moment his right forepaw connected with the earth all four of his limbs would coil sharply as he ducked down, letting his body fall smoothly and gracefully like water over stone in a deep crouch, his hind legs coiled like springs. Ashiel's jaws, which had missed Dragon's face, had instead torn moderate lacerations in the topmost part of Dragon's left shoulder. Thankfully he hadn't been going for a grip so he was able to swiftly tuck his chin and duck his head down to bring it in line with his spine. His tail would tuck tightly between his legs, his shoulders rolling forward as his claws dug into the earth, his weight spread out evenly amongst his limbs while his hackles remained raised and his ears pinned to his head. The resulting ducking motion would cause Dragon's arms to wrap over nothing but air and the alpha's chest would sail over his head, missing him.

Ashiel's narrowed peridot eyes would land on Dragon's spreading hind legs and the godling's own hind legs would uncoil, launching him directly forward, underneath Dragon's body. His head would twist sharply to his own right as he attempted to snatch Dragon's penis between his jaws in a brutal hold meant to render the appendage from the alpha's body. It hadn't occurred to him that such a move, if it succeeded, would have him facing down Iskra's wrath. Had that thought entered his mind he might have reconsidered but the temptation had been too great and he had reacted too swiftly. He was in full battle mode.

Simultaneously, as Ashiel surged forward he would shift his weight to his forelegs and attempt to lance both his shoulders forward and up seeking to crash them into Dragon's tender underbelly, a few inches back from the man's sternum. His left shoulder sought to strike the right underside of Dragon's abdomen while his right shoulder sought to strike the left underside of Dragon's abdomen. He sought to severely bruise each area and strike with enough force to make Dragon shudder with nausea. Yes, there was a chance he'd get thrown up on but it would be worth it.

Again, because of his sudden duck Dragon's attack would fail as the alpha's jaws missed shredding into Ashiel's face. He kept his ears peeled for cries from Griff but for now his companion simply continued to circle over the battle.

Ashiel vs Dragon for Talis [pack challenge]
Rd: 2/4
Build: Heavy


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.