
Jarvela Tribe adopts


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
01-26-2018, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2018, 04:30 PM by Shrapnel.)

Name: Rökkvi Nyström
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Season of Birth: Winter
Appearance: Rökkvi is a beautiful creature by normal standards, but in his first tribe he is nothing more than an ordinary wolf. He has the colors of ice - both stunning and useful at the same time. As a wolf who has grown used to the harsh climates of the north, his lineage has adapted so that only those of light colored pelts appear. Occasionally blues work their way in to their genes and Rökkvi is no exception. His base coloring is a pristine white while a glacial blue forms the majority of his markings. A lighter shade of it takes over his muzzle and curves along the underside of his jaw. It travels upwards along his face, leaving a barely noticeable circle on his forehead, before it fades into a slightly darker blue at his ear tips. The entirety of his neck is the same color and this continues along the underside of his stomach as well. The markings become more interrupted along his sides and back as it takes on more of an ice floe effect. The white takes over the blue giving him wavy looking stripes. As for the rest of him, his legs darken down towards his paws and are only marred by white stripes. His tail also takes on this darker color with a marbled effect of different shades. There are more markings to him as well along his face- slightly darker blue travels along his muzzle and underneath his eyes before forming a little swirl on the outsides of his face. Little dots appear as well, though that's not all to his unique face. The last little marking starts off as a line up the bridge of his nose before it branches off into a tree like marking. Like the rest of him, his eyes are a silvery blue and even his nose takes on this appearance.

His natural camouflage isn't the only thing that makes him more than capable of living in the north. His body is hardy and compact. Thick muscle covers the entirety of his body and larger than average paws allow him the opportunity to find himself walking along top layers of snow if it's not too loose. Muscle isn't the only thing that covers him though as there's a healthy layer of fat there as well to help keep him insulated. It's easy to see, just by looking at him, that this isn't a wolf who gets cold easily. His fat and muscle tissue isn't the only thing to help keep him warm though. A thick and rough outer-coat, made as a natural water repellent, cover the entirety of his body and his thickest along his cheeks, neck, stomach, and his tail. His outer coat isn't the only thing that helps - a soft downy undercoat lies underneath all of that fur and adds an extra layer of insulation to keep him warm in the coldest months.
Personality: Rökkvi is an easy study and definitely predictable as far as personalities go for the Jarvela. Having lived with them for the majority of his young life, the male has a deep respect for nature. He's very conservative and only takes what he needs and finds uses for the rest of the prey that doesn't get eaten. With that being said, he's very resourceful and has learned a thing or two about crafting and trading. He's very intuitive as well as creative and can often come up with some out of the norm idea for all sorts of contraptions.

Other than having a love for nature, he has a wanderlust that can't be satiated. Typically the nomad sticks to colder climates, as warmer ones are typically unbearable, but will often travel to southern lands just for the experience. He tends to be rather fearless in the face of danger and doesn't often think of the consequences for actions. There's no mountain too high or any valley too treacherous. In other words? Rökkvi will go literally anywhere for any kind of adventure. He's a bit of an adrenaline junkie and has no problem putting himself in dangerous situations if he thinks he can get a thrill out of it.

He's typically a very friendly soul, but doesn't often likes crowds of wolves. He doesn't have social anxiety, but instead prefers the solace of his own company and that of nature. He does tolerate small groups and prefers like-minded individuals to spend his time with. He's generally very easy to get to know and once he's comfortable with your presence (which really doesn't take long at all) it's easy for him to get wrapped up in the idea of adventure, so beware! If you're the weak of heart and can't handle life at an extreme pace then it's best not to hang around him for too long.

He doesn't know the meaning of cautious and tends to live his life in a full throttle kind of way, but it doesn't mean he's willing to put others lives at risk either. If he happens to be traveling or visiting with someone that isn't used to his lifestyle then he has enough will power to slow down for a bit to make sure he doesn't harm those who he's with with his rather erratic ways. He tends to be a bit protective over the weak and has a very giant heart and will go out of the way to be a good Samaritan when the opportunity presents itself.

Along with his rather nomadic lifestyle, Rökkvi views relationships in the same kind of light. While some wolves may appear more interesting and appealing that others, he tends to be rather polygamous. He isn't prejudiced with genders and will flirt with males just as often as he will females so you've been warned!
RP Sample:
Plans: Well seeing as his design doesn't really fit the appearance description of the Jarvela's (whoops) I was planning on having him be from a different family. My idea is that the family he lived with as a child lived in a very icy climate (think snow/ice all year round) with wolves that only had lighter colored pelts to blend in with the snow. Anywho, skip to the typical "I got separated from my family at a young age" plot and then the Jarvela find him and take him into their family (maybe around 8 months old) and then later he left from the group and made his way to Boreas. I figure he'll stick mostly to the northern regions, but like most, he'll have the desire to at least travel and explore to his heart's content. Speaks Finnish, Swedish, and Norwegian.