
Saint, Sinner, Siren



6 Years
01-26-2018, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2018, 07:56 PM by Iskra.)
Taking a half-step back so she could pretend to look him over and do some mental comparisons. Now that he'd said that she could totally see it. "Yeah, I kinda see the family resemblance. Although, if you held some sticks in your mouth I think you might look even more alike," she giggled, barely keeping herself from cackling so hard she toppled over at the mental image of Angelus with two twigs in his face to mimicking his brothers' toothy visage. What a sight that would be!

Sobering, Iskra added, "She seemed to enjoy it there, I almost joined too but didn't get around to it. Of course... I did hear talk that that wasn't all she was interested in back then." Would Art be irritated at her for sharing that? Oh well, she couldn't resist. What a pity she never got a chance to tease her about it in person though. When she first met that sabers toothed alpha and seen him and Art exchanging glances she'd been sure something would come of it.

Brows lifted a few degrees as the man explained it was her sister that brought him here. What was this she'd stumbled into? "I see, well, I'd be more than happy to help you out if I had a clue where she was," Iskra began earnestly before she would then venture, "I hope I'm not prying, you're welcome to decline to answer, but what exactly was this encounter that now has you seeking out Artemis?" she didn't really know what Art would think about her chatting about her, but she had always suspected her sisters wouldn't hesitate to talk about their siblings lives so... who cared what Art thought. Iskra was too curious now. That and this poor man was looking all somber when she showed up, so whatever was eating him had to be pretty interesting right?