
A New Journey



2 Years
01-27-2018, 02:11 PM

As the cold water washed through Enya's fur, she felt the weariness of her travels dissipate So calm, so at ease she was, that she started to wonder if this lake was somehow magical. Of course, she had never come across anyone who claimed to be able to bend magic at their will, but it didn't mean that it wasn't something she enjoyed entertaining. In truth, was magic much different than religion? You believed in things you couldn't see, only supposed results. What had been that young wolf's name? A yes, Aishel, he had been quite eager to teach her his ways.

She was broken from her drifting thoughts as the male answered her question, not calling this place home yet, but considering it. It was a nice spot, though the female in her screaming maternal instincts warned against settling here. It was nice now, but what about the summers? Would the grasses surrounding the lake flood with rains? Then, of course, there were the bugs. If it flooded, there would be no dens to hide in. She wondered if it was warm enough for misquito swarms to take wing during the hottest parts of the year. No, she decided, she wouldn't live here, but she would enjoy visiting this place quite often.

When Koda moved to the shore, Enya's eyes followed him. She flipped back over to her stomach to slowly float, kicking only occasionally to keep herself from sinking. She quirked her head as she watched him stand stock still, staring down into the water unmoving. What on earth? Had he gone mad? Then, with a furious splash and movement so quick it startled even Enya, she blinked only to see a fish flailing wildly in the male's muzzle. Enya stared for a moment, thoroughly surprised, then smiled as he stepped to the shore, dropping the fish and ending it's flailing with one swift motion. He invited her up to eat, and Enya didn't even bother with courtesies. She sprinted through the water, bounding out of it when she was able to touch the sandy bottom, and paused at the shore just long enough to sharek out her coat. She was still dripping when she approached Koda, lowering her head to him graciously, then plopped down to her stomach, using her front paws to grip the fish and drag it towards her head first. She turned her muzzle sideways and started to gnaw, feeling a satisfying crunch as the fresh meat and blood melted into her mouth. It had been a long time since she had fresh fish. All eating etiquette was out the window as she devoured the meal, ignoring scales that stuck to her teeth and peppered her legs and muzzle. It was only when she was done crunching down the fish's head that she remembered her manners. "Thank you for this" she muttered as she glanced at Koda, pausing to run her tongue over her chops, "I forgot how good fresh fish can taste, and I'm afraid I've never been any good at catching them myself."

Already with food in her stomach, she felt the daze of weariness coming over her. Between the serenity of the pond, the setting sun, and a fresh meal, she almost felt like a pup again.
Needing something to distract herself from her memories and keep her awake, she leaned to kick her hind legs out to one side, positioning herself so she could continue to converse with Koda in case he fished again. She bit at the fish again, still holding it with her front paws, but now she nibbled at it with her front teeth. "So was it only the cold and lack of food that caused you to leave the north?"

[Image: 2hnqhaq.jpg]