
Here Birdy Birdy



8 Years
01-27-2018, 07:23 PM

She didn't dare leave the pack territory. She had two vary good reasons that she was leaving herself grounded, even if the grounded part was drawing down her mood. Since being blinded she really had yet to learn how to defend herself with her new handicap. Her second reasoning was she was in season and didn't dare leave pack lands without someone with her. She would be stupid to think she could come back unharmed. The pack had been fairly quiet since the raid, so being grounded to the pack wasn't to exciting either. For the most part she had kept herself stuck in her den in the alcove, but she was getting antsy. She wanted out, she wanted to do something instead of moping around. It wasn't like anyone in the pack would harm her due to her season.

So she moved from her den and headed out over the plains. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she needed to find something else to do other then mope around her den. Who knows maybe she would even meet a new wolf in the pack. She headed out towards the borders of the pack, the tall wall that now bordered the pack territory from the outside world. There was a few spots in the wall that were holes or doorways for prey to move in and out of the territory. She headed to one of those spots and took a seat in the doorway and leaned up against the stone. Her ears pricked forward as she listened to the sounds of life. She was facing the Estuary so the sounds of birds were vary popular in this spot and the fact it was spring, the birds were full of energy and songs.

"Talk" & 'Think"

* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.