
I'll eat you whole


07-04-2013, 05:27 PM

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he needed the help. His solo outing and search party had resulted in nothing. With someone helping him, he could scour the terrain much more easily, covering more ground. A second pair of eyes wasn't so much of a bad idea, but Demonio wasn't sure if he would allow this woman to help him. She was a stranger and from the way she was acting, her body language shifting from what he'd deemed rather friendly to something much more confident, he wasn't sure if he could trust her. But how could he pass up her offer of help? He would probably never find anyone else who would be willing to help him. He couldn't let this opportunity go, as unsure as he was.

Her voice was a still a gentle timbre, almost reassuring, but there was a new undertone to it as she spoke. You're right. I have no reason to help you, nor do I particularly want to. But your story is interesting, none of the less, and perhaps eventually I have some skills that might interest you. But for now, your wife is still missing and I have offered my assistance if you would still like for me to join you. Demonio gave in, his shoulders sagging in defeat. I appreciate your willingness to help, so I will accept your offer. Excuse me if I sounded rather hostile or unwelcoming, it's just that I've tried everything and anything, looked everywhere and I haven't had a single sign of her anywhere. I'm afraid that even with your help, nothing will result of my search. Audits flattened against the ivory man's skull, lids falling closed over his mismatched gems, a quiet sigh slipping past his pale lips. Why had this happened to him? Just when things had begun to right for him everything had to collapse in on itself.

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