
What Hurts The Most


07-04-2013, 05:55 PM

He had just met this woman scarcely a few weeks ago, and already he knew that he was going to keep her in his life for as long as he could, regardless of what he had to do in order to manage that. The whole world could be damned, his parents and family included if they didn't like Meili. As much as it would hurt him that his family couldn't accept Mei, he wasn't going to stress himself out about it. He was on the verge of starting the rest of his life and he didn't need his family for that. If he needed to, he would abandon Valhalla and strike out on his own with Mei on his side. He was nearly full grown and his family needed to recognize that he could make his own decision for himself. If he wanted to become friends with Meili, regardless of their differences in age, he could do so. There was nothing wrong with it. He cared a lot about this little woman and hell be damned if he wasn't going to take care of her for the rest of her life, whether as a friend or more than a friend.

The tears subsided as she pulled back from him, her tear free teal gaze meeting his own, a smile curling her earthy kissers as she kissed his nose, making his heart flutter in his chest as she spoke. I'm sorry for breaking down like that. It's very unlike me... Sometimes it's just overwhelming, thinking about the future and things I can't control like that. She kissed his cheek, lighting up a furious blush that thankfully his dark fur covered up, muzzle pressing into the crook of her neck, a gentle smile curving his kissers. Don't apologize for that, I didn't mind at all. I'm here for you for anything. Don't ever forget that. But Mei, you shouldn't stress about things that are out of your control. It doesn't do you any good. Maybe you should try and live in the moment. That's what I've always tried to do. Gael leaned his chin against the top of her head, breathing softly against her fur, audits pricking with attention at her words. I'm slowly starting to see that. Thank for you that Mei. My first real friend. He murmured gently, lids falling closed over cerulean gems as he relished in this quiet moment with her.

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