
Of Little Scamps and Tired Mothers



12 Years
Extra large
01-28-2018, 04:12 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

The striking woman that arrived to his call was definitely Jupiter’s mother. The same vibrant, astral blues painted her form that painted her son’s, but she bore silvery eyes that told that story of a stressed mom who was nearing the end of her limits of what she’d deal with from rambunctious kids. He’d seen that very same frazzled expression on his own mother’s face. Admittedly… he was probably the cause of it sometimes.

Her first words were to her cheerful son who showed not a jot of remorse in his response, only the bubbling excitement of having had an adventure, and he didn’t seem to get that his mother’s anger was from his actions. If there was any enlightenment, Regulus bet it would be in private. This woman looked to be the kind that could dole out a damned good chewing out.

The boy’s conviction that Regulus had used magic had the crimson Archangel mastering his expression, tongue catching in his teeth as he glanced back toward the big cats that sat apart, Artashir still looking embarrassed as his pale mate cast him a glowering look.

Regulus supplied a clearer response, starting with an introduction. “I’m Regulus Adravendi, Archangel of Celestial – a pack in the Western region of this continent. I was exploring in the forest just north of here, and heard a mountain lion, and your son yelp… so I acted. Turned out, these two cats were looking for a companion to serve, by my description… So… I have two companions.” The last few words conveyed the puzzlement he still felt over the turn of events.

If he could have scratched his head, he would have been. But he finished his story with a gentle smile, “I decided to escort this fellow and his new friend home. Don’t worry about repayment, though, Miss Aeris. I have two children of my own at home, and I know I’d go mad with worry if they disappeared on adventures without my knowledge of where they were…” And even more worried, because neither Aurielle or Aramis would disappear without notice. That just wasn’t them.

He paused, thoughtful expression flowing across his features with a slight frown. “I do worry that my daughter sometimes forgets to be a child. She and her brother are our pack’s only pups, so they have no one but themselves to play with.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]