
A New Journey



4 Years
01-28-2018, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2018, 05:56 PM by Miakoda.)

Koda could only smile as he watched the she wolf inhale the fish he had caught. Must've been quite a while since she had eaten anything. The large wolf took a moment to really take in her appearance. Ribs were visible, coat was lackluster at best. The signs of malnutrition. He could only imagine what kind of hardships she had been through. Oh well, he would make sure she ate enough. As long as she would let him. Most lone wolves, especially females were ultimately crazy independent and rarely accepted help. He would do his best though.

The white pelted wolf took to the water again, another fish to catch. Surely that one fish did not satisfy his new found friend. Heavy paws pressed into the soft sand as he pushed through the cooling waters. Stillness was key, let the fish get acclimated to your presence, then they would die when least expected.  Licking his chops, he stared deep into the pool beneath him. A large fish swam right between his paws as he took a dive, face first. Jaws snapped on empty water. He came up sputtering and gasping for air. Timing had been a bit off on that one. Oh well, third time's a charm. He continued until he caught another, bringing the struggling fish and laying it before Enya. "Here ya go, keep up your strength. I am going in for one more, I need a snack." He chuckled as he headed back once again. Only taking a few minutes to snag another.

With a heavy thud, he plopped down into the wet sand in front of her. Claws digging into the squirming fish as he crunched down, watching the life before him go still. He took his time taking bites, being careful not to be too messy. It wasn't nice to be gross in front of ladies. He didn't care how she ate, she was starving. Etiquette went out the window when you hadn't ate in days. A brow lifted as she thanked him. It really wasn't a big deal, he was already hunting anyway. "Yea no problem. I can show you how if you want. It's pretty easy once you get it down." His tail thumped happily as he chewed on the fish, bones and all. The blood in his mouth tasted warm and delicious. It was just what he needed.

Ears perked forward at her question, and stopped him mid bite. Had he left the north because of food? He really wasn't sure. The loneliness has started to get to him. He had been tired of not having anyone to speak too. The food had been the only issue. "Well, I've been alone since I was a pup. I don't think we are meant to be alone that long. I just needed...a friend, I think? I am not sure. What about you? What brings you here?" He resumed eating, enjoying the fresh flesh in his mouth.

[Image: lpduaoa2b70.png]