
Breathe Deep, Stop Time



7 Years
01-28-2018, 10:59 PM

with the Devil ||

An elegant woman, she was slender, her own figure and poise spring royalty to mind, a modern marie antoinette as mile-long limbs carried her towards the man- her fur hang longer than most, though not absurdly so, luxurious as her darkened frame, only a wisp on the wind, was made of warm hues despite her icy exterior. Tendrils flowing with the water, voluptous frame accentuated by spidery hair threads that stuck to her reptilian bodice; wet, sensual fur, almost russet brown, coats her body. Warm reds begin to set in down her lengthy neck. Amidst all of this, her eyes are an icy pomegranate orange, yet another remnant of her mother and ever observing the male stranger before her. Her pace lessened as she approached, taking in his stature, his fibre, analyzing the beast as he carried himself gracefully, speaking in tongues of mannerism, eloquently. His voice penetrated her auditory system. He was a man that knew pain and pleasure. What was he? Clearly someone that belong to some sort of establishment, the scent of others staining and mixing within his own fragrance. Powerful. Male. It was clear by his appearance alone he was someone important but how important? Could she use that to her own advantage? A name he offered and wanted hers in return. "Why bother?" came the lustrous purrs of the siren, a vibrato within the babe's ribcage, "Nephthys is the name you seek." she continued after taking a breath, "But be warned,I’m not my name. My name is something I wear, like a necklace. It gets worn. I outgrow it, I change it."


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together