
I'll eat you whole


07-04-2013, 06:20 PM

Lids snapped open at the sound of movement, falling on the figure of the smaller woman as she began to descend the steps of stones, the larger ivory man following suit, talons scrapping against the stone as he picked his way back down towards more level ground. The woman was very understand as she spoke, explaining that she knew Desdemona shouldn't be out in the condition that she was in, introducing herself as Alena. Thank you for being so understanding Alena, it's a pleasure to meet you, although I would've preferred under different circumstances. My name is Demonio. He returned her curt nod, allowing his mismatched gaze to move away from her to their surroundings as he switched himself into searching mode.

What does your wife look like? I assume she has a white coat like my own since you mistook me for her briefly, but what other distinguishing features does she have? What would I look for if I were to find her? They had been walking for a while, moving through the familiar territory, to him at least, still no sign of his wife when Alena spoke up, asking him if there were any distinguishing features that she would be able to spot his wife more easily with. Right at this moment he wished his wife had at least some strange markings or even a different colored coat to his to make her more obvious to spot. She looks exactly like you, except she's a bit bigger, roughly as big as me, but her eyes are ruby and obsidian. There aren't any distinguishing features to tell her apart by, unless you count her swollen belly heavy with our children. He moved almost mechanically, worn paws treading easily over the terrain he'd searched before.

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