
Pounding Metal



7 Years
01-29-2018, 12:39 AM

Table & Art by Vethysnia
You can get out the way you got in. Black disks that swam in the pools of pomegranate hues, dilated. Her face, though seemingly stoic, began to show signs of bubbling agitation. Defenses set into place during his speech; legs spread equally apart, balance evenly distributed, limbs bent, body lowered for a better center of gravity, tail lashing out behind her, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, head lowered to align with her body, chin tucked, jaws parted, claws digging slightly into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears pinned back. Thus, at the end of his speech there was no pause, as she’d been readying herself throughout. They both knew what was coming next and she was ready to confront him. After all, it was not the first time she was battling her Elders. No, the first one was her aunt, Amunet, but this time Horus will feel her anger on his own skin. He wanted a battle? He would certainly get one. She rushed forwards to meet him. She attempted to step quickly to her right, and then to her left, leaping off her right front paw and lifting it up, hoping to slam it into the outside edge of Horus’s elbow as his body came from the left, seeking to smash into that area. Weight transferred to her left paw, but she was airborn for a moment, before her left paw kissed the ground and balance adjusted. During the leap her hips pivoted to her own left, seeking to bring herself at an angle with Horus's shoulder, taking the hit, so that Horus’s head was hopefully the only thing in reach. Her left shoulder sought to slam into the outside, fleshy part of the beast’s right shoulder, her jaws snapping forwards and seeking to bite into his right side neck. Her bottom jaw wanted to press into the man’s throat, her top seeking to bite into the side part of his neck, attack in general aim for the middle of the neck. Her intent was to obtain a grip and suffocate, but who knew if that would remotely meet success.

Nephthys VS. Horus for Dominance
Round 1/3
Height 36"
Light Build

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together