
Hello Hateful



7 Years

01-29-2018, 01:52 AM
For just a brief moment, Ehrgeiz began to think that the much larger wolf would turn the tables on him and maul him instead. However, that momentary thought was dissolved as she jerked backward, recognizing him as suddenly as he'd recognized her. The way his name was spoken with a purr told him that she remembered exactly who he was. What she thought of him wasn't as clear to him. He'd been her plaything, and not much else. To him, she'd been a nuisance, a pain in his ass that he'd been forced to tolerate. But, although he'd never admit it, he also remembered trying not to get caught watching her tiny little self getting into all sorts of trouble, and constantly fretting over her fearlessness. She seemed to have no radar for danger, and he'd been powerless to do anything about it. He remembered laying awake at night, his singular eye bloodshot and peeled wide as his mind obsessed over all of the things she could get hurt by, thoughts he didn't dare have during the day, lest someone see him caring. He was conflicted by the fact that he seemed to care about the girl - that just didn't come naturally to him, and he couldn't come to terms with it. He shouldn't give a crap at all.

"You're not actually going to jump?" the words left his mouth before he could think twice, and although they posed a question, his tone came out in a commanding manner. Like an incredulous father scolding a foolish child. The intensity of his disapproval was clear in his face. Quickly, he forced his expression to return to its usual sneer, though his eye still wandered over her face, watching her, trying to read her thoughts. "Hmph... " he grunted, shrugging his muscular shoulders, "Well, don't let me stop you. As long as you don't mind the bottom-feeders eating your body when you die. I can't be bothered to drag your corpse back up here." His brow lifted questioningly, as though daring her to show him she wasn't bluffing. There's no way she'd actually jump off a cliff - was there? A nagging doubt began to fill him, but he waited in silence to see what she really intended to do.
[Image: y4S12Nx.png]