
Do you know where the wild things go?



11 Years
Athena I
07-21-2013, 10:40 PM

Tiresias. She silently repeated the name to herself over and over. It became her mantra to keep her mind working. So he was a healer. That was good. The ivory fea was grateful that the one wolf that happened to find her was able to help her. Or at least she hoped that he could help her. She panted heavily, sucking oxygen into her lungs in an attempt to clear her vision. She blinked her eyes several times till she was finally able to see somewhat. She still felt incredibly weak. She questioned herself, wondering why in the world she had let herself get like this, why she hadn't looked for help when she was first injured. She had completed her goal, finished the job. Nothing else had mattered when she stumbled away from the dead form of her target, bleeding heavily from her shoulder yet again. It wasn't the first time she had been at the mercy of a brute to care for her torn open shoulder. She made a note that if she made it through this she would learn something of healing for herself.

The healer instructed her to stay still and she gave a short, shallow chuckle, thinking that there was no worry of her moving any time soon. Stay awake. That was her next task. Stay awake. Stay awake. She gave herself a string of thoughts, keeping her mind working. Anything and everything, she gave herself answers for it. Her name. Her pack. His name. Her parents names. What color her fur was. The fea did this through the short time that the healer was gone. Suddenly her thoughts were cut short as the brute ran his tongue along the wound the damn target had given her. She sucked air in hard though her teeth and growled, her eyes clenching shut again. Her paws flexed, the sharp claws drawing lines in the dirt. It hurt like hell, but it must have been necessary. Surely the healer wouldn't have done it if it wasn't. She was almost grateful for the pain. It shocked her system back into clarity, even for just a few moments. Her eyes looked around her wildly while the cloudiness was gone from her vision, but since he was behind her all she could see was the boulder beside them that she had fallen off of and the open plain in front of her. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to hold still while the brute did his work.
