
The Struggle is Real



8 Years
01-30-2018, 09:05 PM

Another nice spring day had driven her from her den. She was tired of sitting around, even the obstacle course Gwen had made had made her bored. She needed more training, more advice, and more knowledge about how to deal with her new life. She hated the fact that her career as a hunter was over, but she knew her nose was still good. Actually it was even better then before, but was there a rank in the pack she could work towards with that nose of hers? She knew she would never be good with healing, she had tried it as a pup and it never clicked. She couldn't be a worrier, because lets face it, fighting would not be a good idea blind unless the gods gifted her with some sort of magic. What else was there to do? Maybe she needed to meet with Regulus again and discuss what options she had. Maybe he had some ideas, but for now she really needed to work on growing stronger. This meant training her remaining senses and trying to force herself to learn how to cope without her sight.

Though she liked to take breaks and head to the borders. She was finding that she liked to sit in at the openings of the wall and to take in the world outside of the pack. To listen to the world and to let her nose take in the scents of the world. There was even times she had met some wolves that weren't pack members and that was always a plus in her opinion. She headed out again today, letting the warm rays of sun beat down on her coat. She headed to the opening bordering Jade's Moore, a place she didn't dare travel in her state, though the scents from that territory would give her nose a fine workout.

"Talk" & 'Think"

* Is completely Blind due to Maim by Greed, looks like her eyes are always closed. *
Acapella has a Dhole companion that is almost always with her unless stated otherwise.
Greed is allowed in any of Ella's threads regardless of the tag.