
Here Birdy Birdy


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-30-2018, 10:09 PM

He listened, his anger with the bitch (Marina not Ella xD) growing. He shouldn't have been hating her beyond what she did to his family, but when this woman told him that she abandoned both his half siblings and her youngest litter, his blood began to boil. It was bad enough she managed to talk Liar into abandoning him, but she had to go and abandon the rest of her kids, too? No. That was wrong. Even though he knew he wasn't the nicest guy around, he felt he had better morals than that rainbow monstrosity! "So...forces my father to abandon his own before doing the same to her my half siblings and their siblings...Yeah dad you found yourself a real winner there."

He was fuming, but when the woman said she was sorry, he looked up at her in silence. Sorry? Why was she apologizing? Was she apologizing for what Marina had done? He shook his head, ears flattening to his skull as he looked away, forgetting for a moment she couldn't see. "It wasn't your fault." He muttered, gaze turning back to her as he looked over her face again. The scars were prominent, and in a way he kind of felt bad. They had gone to do a simple task, but it was Celestial that had started the violence first. Even if he had, his only target would have been Marina. But now..."Look, I...want to apologize for what I did to you. I'm not asking for forgiveness or anything. You caught me at a bad time, I just wanted her to feel what I felt. For betraying those who trusted her and let her in..."

Sighing, it felt...strange, actually apologizing for something. He knew he was one to not give a shit, but this woman didn't deserve what he had done out of pure blinding rage. "It's pretty fucked up that she didn't even acknowledge you after. Like my family, you were just a pawn to throw away. She doesn't care about anyone else. You can't go around thinking everyone is good all the time. I'm sure as Hell not, but I don't really hide that fact."


Art||Plot with me!

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