
Defy Expectation


01-31-2018, 12:29 PM
Nova couldn’t sleep. She hadn’t been having nightmares like before… but she still felt restless. When she walked it felt like she wasn’t really there… but yet she was. She could see the world… but it felt distant. Nova kept her ears pinned to her skull as she walked along, breathing in and out with heavy sighs. She could barely focus… but she knew she had to try and get herself back together. She had to remain strong, try to forge stronger bonds with her remaining siblings. Azazel, Adore, Chasm… they had to get better. They were still a family… and a family could do anything together.

Nova was nearly at the wall when she noticed something off both by what she saw and what she smelled. There was a male, probably about her height {though it was hard to tell with where he was} on the wall… and he was a stranger! Nova felt her fur prickle, a low snarl rising in her chest.

“The Hell do you think you’re doing!?” She shouted at the male. He was weird… his teeth… something about two of them wasn’t right. They were too big. But that didn’t matter right now… he could be a threat. Her mind flicked to the raid and Nova threw her head back, calling for the pack just as her mother had that night.

...what if this was going to be another one?

...would she break as her mother had?