
Ancora-Hellstrom-Armada puppies for grabs!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
02-02-2018, 03:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2018, 07:08 PM by Paradox.)
That's right, Paradox is having babies, something she never really thought about but in her desperation for some adult "fun" she didn't quite think things through and is now pregnant! The father in question is Dragon, and in his moment of weakness (He was hallucinating at the time and thought he was talking to spirits for advice), ended up doing the do with her after she tricked him into thinking she was this spirit. She also decided to go the extra mile for fun and tricked him into thinking that she was Iskra because let's face it, Para is a total jerk and completely toyed with him, so of course one thing led to another and in his drive to prove to "Iskra" how much he loved her, fell for Para's tricks.

This sorta ties into a plot that just sprang up in my head out of nowhere (we all get "shower thoughts" and this was one of those random ones). Paradox won't really want to raise kids, she values her independence too much and with her being a loner for as long as she has and with her family history, she's more than likely going to dump them off somewhere Dragon (or Avalon, haven't decided) to find and for them to raise in a pack/family setting. (She won't admit it but she can be a softie sometimes, maybe it's just old age, we'll never really know :'D) Paradox knows Dragon is the father, but Dragon doesn't know that he is and Para probably won't tell him, either. She has no attachments to him, he was just a one night stand sort of thing. Whether or not she'll be involved later, I can't say. Depends on how she starts to feel ICly I guess.

Dragon will more than likely take these kiddos in because let's face it, he can't just leave pups on their own in the wilderness to get eaten by bears or something, and since he knows he needs an heir at some point so he can retire from Alpha-ing and stuff, will more than likely raise one of these kids to be the heir. By the time these kids are born, then he should have already raised another pack (hopefully). Since he has no biological kids of his own (or so he thinks) and since he and Iskra have yet to have kiddos, then as mentioned before, one of these ones will be raised as the heir to the pack. (Unless an Iskron kiddo proves to be more leader material then this may change later).

Dragon may also end up giving them the Ancora name since the kids will start to grow on him and is gonna end up "Adopting" them, (again, since he doesn't realize they're biologically his XD) later on when or IF para decides to appear in their lives, then she may end up telling them about the Armada history where they can then decide if they wish to keep the ancora name or take on the armada name, or both!

That's pretty much the gist of it, he may find out later that they are in fact, his. But I haven't decided when that will be if at all. and if anyone has any juicier plot ideas, please tell me. I'm all up for drama!

Anywho, on to the adoption info!

There will be two pups available now~ (I decided to just take one). Paradox will also choose not to name them, so this will be left up to Dragon when he comes across them.

Drake is the one kid I decided to keep!

Adoption rules
-Must remain active. I reserve the right to reclaim the adopt should there be an inadequate amount of activity in a month, or if it is set inactive. UNLESS we've talked about it. I'm usually pretty lenient and tend to give second chances, but if I feel that's being abused then that's it.

-No alignment below...I don't know, I guess lawful evil or chaotic neutral. I understand development happens, but no super dark personalities OR a kid that's gonna be super spiteful/hateful/cold and that starts hating everyone for no reason. These kids will have plenty of attention, so there's really no reason this pup should turn out that way.

-I prefer you use a design that I provide, but if you really want to use your own, then feel free to create your own provided it follows the family genes. Anything that isn't from the fam will not be approved!  This is just for the reason that it's easier to adopt out again if I have to so the design/appearance isn't constantly changing. If you decide to purchase artwork such as from da, then that artwork is expected to stay with the char. Any designs I provide are to remain on Ardent simply for the fact that I've purchased them, thanks <3

- Names: Dragon themed! Wyvern, Dracul, just to name a couple. Here's a list of name ideas click

Design traits that run on Para's side (Armada line) are Albinism, Melanism, slate blues, whites, greys, browns, silver, russet, And a whole huge variety. Para's entire family lineage can be found here

Design traits on Dragon's side generally follow the same pattern, most of them have the halter like marking that goes down the shoulders and back, (see Dragon, Afrit, Avalon, etc.) And I will also be linking the whole Ancora family tree for this too. Colors vary as well. To make it easier stay tuned for both family trees! ;D

Available designs
(Eye colors may be changed)
Designs 1-5 require Regular shaped markings: 400 gems
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
Design 5
Design 6
Design 7 -May need odd shaped markings: 300gems
Design 8
Design 9
Design 10
Design 11
Design 12
Design 13
Design 14
Design 15

ALSO You get a 25% discount on height up to 39" from Dragon :3

<b>Gender:</b> male or female
<b>Appearance:</b> (at least site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (site minimum)
<b>Alignment:</b> Ic development happens so I imagine this may or may not change at some point in life.
<b>Plans:</b> kinda curious to see what sort of path they might take ;)
<b>RP Sample:</b> 200 word minimum

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!