
Defy Expectation



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
01-31-2018, 10:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2018, 10:22 PM by Dómari.)
Patrol was rarely different from day to day. Dómari found it easy to settle back into the routine of patrolling the borders and letting his mind wander where it would. He'd pause every now and then to renew the markings on a border or to gaze out across the plains where the horizon beckoned in the distance. Whenever he had a chance he'd sneak off into the surrounding territories, searching for any hint that his family might be passing that way. There'd been no sign so far. Alarik had yet to return. Dómari could feel his dream of the Xanilov's living together in a pack slipping through his paws. It was a stupid dream though really. He couldn't imagine many of his siblings in a pack anyway, even if they'd some how managed to find a revived Ebony. He was the weird one.

Dómari looped around to continue on his way toward the rock pile that would mark the halfway point of his patrol. He didn't know what it was or why it was there but it had served as a marker for him. As interesting as the feature was though he rather lamented the marring of such a beautiful plain with something so… random.

Well, he'd jinxed himself. Dómari eyed a large black male trotting along the rock wall that was technically the border of the plains as far as he knew and he didn't care much for the taunt. To make matters worse he noticed that one of Marina's children was there as well.  He certainly wasn't going to leave the girl in the presence of this stranger. He swiftly headed toward the pair, pulling up next to Nova. "Hey! those stones lie on Celestial's borders. If you don't have any business with us please leave." He wasn't sure what this man was trying to prove. He could only assume this was some stupid act of courage or some attempt at showing off. Hopefully, now that he was caught, he'd just go away. Dómari had been training his tail off. He wasn't terribly anxious to go driving trespassers off the old fashioned way.

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
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