
My Evergreen



9 Years
Athena I
01-31-2018, 10:39 PM

Kalliope hated being sick. She hated how Etain was at her side every minute of the day and fretted over her constantly, she hated feeling like she had to keep herself away from everyone just to make sure she didn't get anyone else sick. Most of all she just hated feeling like a burden. She was greatful for her daughter looking after her, but once she realized Etain wouldn't have gone to the healer training without her insistence she realized she would just have to suck it up and not be sick any longer. Of course that's not really how it worked, but in her mind it was.

The worst part was that she couldn't even tell how she was sick. She wasn't coughing, she wasn't sneezing, she didn't feel any congestion in her nose or lungs. That kind of stuff was easy. Take some herbs, lay up in the den for a few days, no problem. She just felt so tired and her headaches just wouldn't go away. Maybe it was just part of getting older. Today she felt a bit better though and she missed Castiel too much to stay away any longer. While Etain was out hunting for herbs Kalliope made her way back to the den that she usually shared with Castiel and Etain.

She was happy when she got there and noticed that she could smell Castiel's scent inside. She smiled a little and slipped inside, her tail wagging gently behind her. "Hello, love," she said softly as she padded over to him, following his scent and the sound of his breathing. She settled down next to him and carefully felt her way to his side and nestled against him like she had so many times before. It was such a relief to be back with him again that she almost forgot how terribly she had been feeling.

"Talk" "You" Think