
I see my future in your eyes



9 Years
Athena I
01-31-2018, 11:03 PM

Even after Fiori crumbled, even after his daughter's pack fell, he just continued to keep the Mangrove as his home. This den had been his home for so long that he didn't know where else he might go. He considered moving to The Range since he hadn't noticed any packs there recently and it had been his long time dream to move his family there since it was where he was born. But... something about the Mangroves kept him here. At least for now. Nothing ever felt certain any more.

Except Carletta. She was really the only reason that he hadn't given up completely. He hadn't seen any of his children in a while though he was certain that they were okay. He worried for Roza especially, but he hoped that if the time came that any of them needed him they would know where to look. He felt like he was too old to go hunt them all down now. His shoulders and joints ached whenever he didn't use the herbs that Amalia had prescribed so long ago.

He stood at the edge of one of the many pools of water that took up the landscape of the mangroves and peered down at his own reflection for a moment. He had been pondering something for a while now... but he hadn't managed to voice it out loud. Thinking about his children and how much he missed having his family around him made his heart ache. He turned away from the water and walked back toward the den with a new certainty. He found Carletta fairly easily and a smile tugged at his lips. He padded over to her and quietly pressed his face into the side of her neck. "Hola cariƱo," he said softly before he leaned back enough to see her face. "I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Talk" "You" Think