
Defy Expectation



3 Years
01-31-2018, 11:04 PM
Since Exodus had returned home, and Regulus had bumped up his rank from apprentice to Legionary, he had taken his duty seriously. He was always working on his physical condition, whether he was building endurance through running the plains, or working on his flexibility and reflexes on the moor. He was not the most agile wolf, but the more he worked his muscles, the easier it was for him to move fluidly. Not to mention he was brushing up on his sparring skills as often as possible, so he felt prepared for anything. Today he was patrolling the borders as usual, and it seemed he was not the only one taking this responsibility seriously. A call went up, and though he did not recognize the voice, he knew it was a Celestian calling to the rest of them - there must have been an intruder. Were they being invaded? His pace increased at once, moving with urgency toward the part of the border where the commotion was.

He saw an unfamiliar figure atop the wall bordering Celestial's territory. A deep growl rumbled within his chest, and with a mighty effort, Exodus launched himself toward the top of the wall, pulling himself up mostly with grace. He balanced at the top and faced the intruder from a distance, glancing down the other side of the wall to see his pack mates. They were already shouting warnings at the trespasser, and Exodus would pad closer so that he could throw his voice into the fray as well. "You don't belong here," he rumbled threateningly, staring down the sabre-fanged male,
"You'd better get out of here pretty fast, or we will make you leave." Amongst the wolves gathered, Exodus was the smallest. However, he was still confident in himself, and he wasn't going to let any intruder believe they had an advantage over him. Size was just one factor of a wolf's strength; attitude, he felt, could be just as powerful.