
Homeward bound



3 Years
02-01-2018, 12:26 AM
Exodus paused in his steps and straightened up when he heard Regulus address him by his full name. It was odd, or more like it was unexpected, and it really had him perked at attention. He was filled with gratitude when he heard the words that came next from the Archangel, and he dipped his head low to show his appreciation. "Thank you, Regulus," his tone was low and sincere, "I won't let you down." He promised the male, making it his duty from now on to fulfill everything that was expected of him, and more. He listened intently as his duties were listed, and he took note carefully. He nodded in understanding of the patrols and sparring he should take place in. Next, he repeated some of the Archangel's words in a whisper, to make sure that he remembered to always have a Witness in attendance of spars.

As the red male told him that it would be possible for him to rise through the ranks, possibly to become a Shieldknight, Exodus had to keep his jaw from dropping. He was inspired, thinking that Regulus thought he might actually be a candidate for such a rank if he kept motivated in his duties and training. Well, now he really had to make sure he didn't slip. If he wanted to earn the prestigious rank, then he could not put forth an average effort. He had to prove that he had more to offer than those who stayed content in their mid-tier ranks. That simply would not do for him.

The newly appointed Legionary nodded his head vigorously when Regulus suggested they track down the old buck deer he'd scented earlier. "Let me lead?" he asked, as he moved to step forward,
hoping to take the chance to show his dedication immediately. He had never been the best hunter,
but he had certainly tried to practice the important skill and he wanted to show that he could provide for the pack. He began to follow Regulus' tracks back the way the Archangel had come from,
his nose lifting to the air, then dropping to the ground repeatedly as he followed the trail and sought out the buck's scent simultaneously. He was eager, and he hoped he hadn't stepped over any boundaries with his leader - if anything, his enthusiasm was like that of an over-eager student seeking approval from their mentor.