
There's nothing more for me; lead me away...

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
02-01-2018, 10:01 PM
After finally meeting one of her alters Clay knew she wouldn’t have been in control. There was no way she would come back here to him willingly. What could he do though? How could he help those Alters from taking over? He also had no clue how to explain all this to his cousin. He may not have stuck around long, but it had been easy to smell over wolves in Frost’s scent letting Clay know that he was apart of a pack. She at first yelped, but when she realized it was him she buried her face in his neck fur. He took a step forward during this giving her a better chance to do so. His eyes fell to the wounds on her neck down to her backside and though his blood was boiling hot and he so wanted to hunt down that demon and rip him a new one, his concern was Kait. She was extremely distressed and when she tried to explain things it was completely clear. He needed to get her to Frost's pack and hopefully get her some help. Right now she was in no shape to travel.

"Shhh...," his deep words were soft trying to calm her.

She could be pregnant again, but right now that didn't matter. The kids may be part demon, but that didn't mean they had to be raised that way. She wouldn't give them up this time, not if he had anything to do with it. It was probably why her alters took over in the first place because she had such distress from leaving her litter before. And the fact she also said one of her daughters was now dead, what kind of father was this king. No he wasn't a king at all in Clay's eyes. She then curled herself closer to him, she was tired and had to be in pain and in no shape to go anywhere. She needed to rest and get strong so she could remain in control. She didn't want him to go and he wasn't planning on it, nor was he planning on sleeping tonight either.

He settled down, curling himself around her and ever so gently laying his head on her shoulder, his eyes staring towards the direction of the ship and his senses staying alert.

"I'm staying right here and if he comes....... I'll kill him," his words were deeper his chest rumbling as he spoke and he held back the snarl that wanted to be released. "Get some rest it'll be okay."