
Where the Brave Will Live Forever

Katja the First


8 Years
02-02-2018, 03:27 PM
Katja's paw steps among the redwoods were muffled, but sure. With her shoulder brushing against Alfrun's to guide her she had no need to feel ahead cautiously for obstacles. The young godi led her solicitously around the larger obstacles and with a soft murmur gave her warning when they needed to step over smaller ones. The quiet, dreamy voice describing the world around them for her was soothing, and gave her a glimpse of the world beyond their world that she had only been able to gaze on once, when the All-father had taken Laufey as his avatar, and she had seen the light-rimed creatures all around her, cavorting around her as they raced together. The night she had conceived her only children, fathered by Grímnir, Odinn. Now her daughter saw that world every time she opened her eyes, and as they walked here together the priestess told her of it, and Katja was contented.

She had survived her tenth year, a feat she never thought to do. She had long ago expected to fall in battle, whether by the fangs of an enemy wolf or beneath the hooves or horns of the dangerous beasts they hunted. She had not thought she would instead have outlived so many of her blood, to have come to blind and dull-toothed age, cared for by the children she had never expected to birth. She wondered what had become of Laufey and the two children he'd sired by his concubine and the slave. Without knowing their fates, she could only assume that her children were the last of the Finnvi, and she sighed internally with regret at that knowledge. Perhaps she should have encouraged Kapra to father children, or found Laufey a wife who could have legitimized his offspring. Alas, there was no changing what had already been, and age would claim her before she could make similar arrangements for her own children. Regret would change nothing - she could only hope that they did not make her same mistakes.

She shifted as Alfrun pressed gently against her shoulder, allowing herself to be guided around something - Runa's running description told her it was a large boulder, one that half-hid the den of a wolverine with a sullen red aura.