
I'll eat you whole


07-04-2013, 08:29 PM

A nod was given to Alena, thankful that the smaller woman would continue to help him in his search, even after they parted ways. I really appreciate the fact that you're going out of your way to help me Alena. It really means a lot to me, even if I am just a stranger. Sincerity rung true in his words as the pair continued their trek together. He hoped that somewhere down the road, after he found Desdemona, that he would be able to repay the amethyst woman back for her aid. He wasn't sure how he would do it or really when, but one way or another he would show her that he didn't take her help for granted.

They continued to search the ruins and the area around the ruins, checking every nook and cranny. Demonio was beginning to get anxious all over again. He didn't know how many times he had checked this spot already and even now with his new companion, he couldn't find a single trace of his wife. He prayed to whatever gods existed out in the universe that if they wouldn't allow him to find his wife, that they would at least keep her and their children safe. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to his family because he hadn't gotten to them in time. Audits rotated forward, the smaller woman's voice breaking him from his thoughts as she pried into what was his life. We lived in a pack here in Alacritis called Tortuga. My wife Desdemona was the queen, after she had taken control from the old king. I'm not sure where our pack stands now, with her and the secondary alpha both missing. I've noticed that many of our members have disappeared and I fear that the pack will be disbanded. As far as what my job in my pack was, I didn't really have one. Before my wife took over, I was a warrior, but after she came to power she stripped everyone of their ranks, calling for tournament that would allow everyone to fight for their rank. But now...I fear everything is falling apart... The ivory brute trailed off, mismatched gems flickering across the landscape before them, an unsettling feeling stirring in the pit of his stomach.

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