
Tactical Approach



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-02-2018, 09:35 PM

Ashiel's head lifted ever so slightly at his uncle's praise, pride radiating through his chest. It was great to have forward momentum, to have something to stride for. He felt the very act of striving was helping him to shape his identity. He nodded as Amon mentioned that his mother divulged Ashiel's plans. Yes, that was to be expected. He couldn't stop himself from grinning at the mention of combat training but the smile would quickly be replaced with a look of stern focus. "I would really appreciate that, Uncle. Whatever you suggest I am more than willing to do. I feel I can improve in all areas of combat. I don't wish to rest on my laurels."

Ashiel listened intently as Amon spoke of how he and Pyralis had trained when they were younger. Walking against flood streams? Intentionally? He nodded. Lydia had taught him to swim at Pyralis' insistence when he'd accidentally slipped into the river at the bottom of the canyon during the rainy season. It wasn't something he cared to relive but he was bigger now, stronger. Ashiel nodded confidently and followed Amon to the river's edge.

Carefully, Ashiel would begin to push himself into the water, first he moved up to his knees, turning to Amon to follow the others lead before speaking. "There is one area I think I should work on. I spoke with Razi and she has been most insightful. In battle I know I don't have long to react. I can't stand there…oh!" Ashiel stepped swiftly to his left to avoid a large branch that was swept past him. Clearing his throat he continued. "I wish to work on strategizing. What possibilities are available to me based on my opponents attacks and our positions."

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.