
I'm Ready To Leave, I'm Ready To Live


02-02-2018, 11:49 PM
Ronen blinked as the stranger did as he was asked, though he was a bit relieved too. The last thing he wanted was to meet someone whom was aggressive. The youth might have been the son of a warrior, but that didn’t mean he wanted to fight all the time. The male allowed himself to relax, his yellow-blue eyes shining with interest as he examined the other and answered the question posed to him.

“Ronen Adravendi.” The male answered simply, though not unkindly. “You smell of a pack… but not one I know of.” The young man confessed. He furrowed his brow a little, continuing to speak, though in a soft tone. “If I may… trouble you for a moment? I’m afraid I’ve been away from home for quite some time… and I’m not really certain how to get back there… do you know the direction that Celestial lies in?” Ronen barely waited for an answer before speaking again, in a rushed tone.

“Or better yet have you met a wolf named Viho Adravendi? He’s my brother… He’s really tall so you can’t miss him. I’ve… I’ve been looking for him.”