
Goodbye Graceful



3 Years
02-03-2018, 01:11 AM
With a firm nod Amos signaled his agreement. He would honestly be super excited to have someone to practice with. So far he hadn’t met anyone his own age that lived nearby who was interested in such things. Who knew, maybe eventually he could have a regular sparring partner! That’d be really great.

Making sure to remember the other boy’s name for future reference, he was pleased to know he’d correctly recalled Celestial’s pack scent. Of course, knowing that that was the pack where he said no one would help him was confusing. Aurielle had told him her dad might teach him and spar with him, right? Oh well, for now he had something new to focus on and would shrug off other thoughts until the spar was over. ”I’ll gladly start, if you don’t mind!”

Giving his opponent time to respond, Amos set his defenses, legs spreading equal distances apart, claws biting into the earth, head and tail aligning with his spine, ruff pulling forward over his vitals as his hackles raised and his chin tucked down over his throat. Coming to stand ten feet from this challenger, he checked over his defenses one last time. He’d narrow his eyes and pull his lips back into a determined snarl, then, when he was ready, with knees bent he would surge forward and attempt to close the distance between them, coming in head on face to face with Azazel.

As Amos went to approach the other yearling he would try to come in low, knees bent and body staying as low as he could get while still trying to race towards Azazel. Then, he would aim to slow himself just as he was about two feet away, at the same time straightening his front legs and throwing himself upwards, hoping to slam the upper center of his chest into the dead center of Azazel’s chest. As he did that, he’d try to angle his head to his own right( Azazel’s left) and attempted to bite where Azazel’s throat met his neck, upper jaw seeking to land just behind the other yearling’s jaw bone a few inches down from his ear, while the lower portion of Amos’ jaw sought purchase just below his opponent’s jaw.

Amos vs Azazel for Spar
Round : 1 of 2
Height: 36”
Build: Heavy