
STANDING ON THE EDGE OF A REVOLUTION[Morningstar's band meeting]



5 Years
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02-03-2018, 02:22 PM
Boredom sought to loosen whatever cords might have tied her to the spot. Waiting was boring! There was Forfax, returning from her adventures. It had taken the girl some time to understand why Forfax insisted on being called a girl. When they had first met, Da had introduced Forfax as his son. Their brother. So when all of the sudden Faxxy got all upset and shouted about being a girl, Divo had been shocked. Could you really just.. change it? Decide that you didn't wanna be a boy or a girl? Neat.

The elder girl cuddled up to her flank, and she happily laid her head across her shoulders. A good cuddle. To make up for the one she'd lost when Da called them here. Mismatched eyes fluttered shut, a contented sigh escaping her. This was a nice, good cuddle. Forfax was already beginning to show her lineage, in that she wasn't growing as much as the rest of them. It made her a fantastic little spoon, and soon Divo would be able to wrap all the way around her and keep her extra warm.

Crunching snow, and someone was here. An unfamiliar scent. The pallid child lifted her head to stare at the newcomer. There were no shared markings so tie her to the family. Never before had the girl laid eyes on this lady, and she didn't like it. Auds tipped back, forepaw sliding up over Forfax's spine. Holding her close, hiding her. Nervously she looked to Sathanus. The ebony woman would keep them safe, she would destroy the newcomer if she was a threat. Da didn't look perturbed at all. He looked.. happy. To see this new lady. Who was she? Why was there a bird there? Was it for eating? It looked.. plump. For eating, obviously.

The bird talked! It flew over to Da, and started chirping in words at him! Perked auds strained to take in the conversation. Nope, not a word could be understood. A frown creased her brow. Now, when she looked at the lady, it was clear she was afraid. Upset, too. Good. Intruding on family business was bad! When Mammon arrived, she was very clearly upset by the lady's presence. Would she make her go away? The soft growl she uttered made it clear that the strange lady wasn't welcome. Why wasn't she getting the hint? "Please Come closer Uriel, take a seat. None of them will mind." Da said, his voice warm. Wait. What? He knew her? Even worse, he directed her to sit near Sathanus! Which meant that Sath wasn't meant to protect them from her! What did this mean?

Dom emerged from the den, finally. Lazy bones! She plodded over to Mammon easily, and settled down in the crook of her body. It seemed that Dom wasn't as worried about the strange lady. Did she know who it was? No way, if Divo didn't know, then there was no way Dom could know! Her thought process was interrupted by Beep showing up, swarmed by a metaphorical cloud of flies. Stinky! He snarled fearlessly at Uriel, and stomped over to their older brother. As mean as he always was, perhaps he knew something that Divo needed to be aware of.

Da started talking, and it was time to listen. "Thank you all for coming in a timely manner. Our first order of business is a small announcement. My sister Uriel and your aunt," He was looking at the new lady. An aunt? Where had she been the whole time? "will be held accountable for the past no more, she has decided to join with us, as our head healer she will aid you should you need it, look to her for herbal training should you find yourself interested. Also Gabriel, your uncle, has been discovered to play no part in your brother's death, he is not to be attacked unless he attacks you first, in which case I will deal with him. Michael is still our enemy and will not be forgiven, avoid him at all costs, I wish to deliver his death myself." Death? Da was going to kill someone? None of this made any sense. Who died? A soft whine was buried in the fur of Forfax's ruff as she dropped her head back down.

"Next is my claim, I am hereby becoming the leader of a band, should you wish to join please state so now. Darya, Forfax, Divo, and Dom are claimed into my band as well. Their ranks are Wings, or youth as you may call it, either works." A what? Band was unfamiliar. Was it good? Why was she Wing? Did she get to fly like a bird? That would be neat. She stared at the snow, trying to keep all of this information straight in her head. "The rules are simple, respect one another. Follow orders if and when I give them. Do not make enemies of the area packs, as I will be moving to secure treaties with the ones that are willing to. We are a neutral party and will remain as such even if one of our allies go to war with another. Children born to those in the band will be claimed into the band immediately. Romantic relationships with minors is prohibited. Rape is also prohibited. And finally I don't care who you love so long as the relationship between you is mutual and I ask that should we have the space you bring your significant other to join us so you are not divided in your loyalties."

Frowning, the child lifted her head. Stared at her Da. "What's rape?" She questioned, vocals ringing through the clearing like a bell. How was she supposed to follow the rules if she didn't even know?

walk "Talk" think
Table by Asena
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