
There's nothing more for me; lead me away...

Clay I


5 Years
Dire wolf
02-03-2018, 09:56 PM
He kept himself curled around her and his head remained rested on her shoulder. She didn't say anymore and he could feel her form slowly relax as she drifted into sleep. For the longest time he remained wide awake, disturbed and even unable to doze. He didn't understand what he could do to help her with Proxy and Mad. He knew there was herbs out there, but could they help treat something like this? It made his thoughts drift back to his mother, and the days when he lived within the family clan. These thoughts at least allowed the male to relax and untense his form. It kept himself calm and allowed him to focus on the here and now. He still remained alert fearful of the king coming to find her, Clay would have no problem fighting him for Kait's freedom even though he knew he could never ever trust the man's word.

It took a while before he felt comfortable enough to doze and that was all he did. All night long he dozed leaving his senses completely alert. He would be able to spring up if anyone dared to approach them at all during the night. He wouldn't admit it, but he really enjoyed the closeness, the lack of space between them. Something about this women from day one made him feel the need to be in her life and he still planned to even with the potential of her being pregnant with the demon's spawn again. This time she wouldn't be parting with them, he would be sure to make sure that it remained that way. If the Demon King came for them, he would fight tooth and nail to keep the potential pups and Kait by his side.

-fade into morning-

He was unable to doze for any longer and was now wide awake. He felt the need to get up and stretch out his muscles, but he didn't want to wake her so he stayed put while his senses worked to take in the world around them. She would need something to eat, unsure when the last time she had eaten a decent meal. As far as the rest of the day he was unsure what they would do, it would be up to how she felt health wise and could travel or not. He wanted to get back to the West where Frost lived and get her to the healer, to sooth her from any pain and discomfort she may have.

He had noticed the shifting in the form, but figured she was probably shifting her position. He didn't realize that she was actually waking up until she lifted her head. He shifted himself, lifting his own head from her shoulder to allow her to get more comfortable. The whine made him look down to her face and notice that she was fully awake. She greeted him and he smiled his tail lightly tapping against the earth. Her apology was not expected.

"Don't be," he said quietly with a soft smile on his face.