
There's nothing more for me; lead me away...



3 Years
02-03-2018, 11:21 PM
She'd travelled to the north in the night. Kami said she knew the sunrises up north were the most gorgeous, not that she'd be able to see it but at least Kami could describe it to her and she could try to imagine it. Though what she and Kami found in the cold was definitely not what they were wanting.

She had been sitting there up wind from the stench of blood and whatever that was, Kami had said sex but she didn't know what that was. There was movement and then voices. Finally they were awake. She stood and nudged her hairless companion who was huddled against her for warmth. "So what's there to be sorry for, huh? Bit him to hard during sex," she was upbeat with her attitude and had completely made no attempts to hide herself. Then under her breath finished the sentence. "Whatever sex is." This brought a giggle to Kami who was amused with her charge. Argus made no attempt to hide her freakish self either. The fact that she was both male and female never bothered her though she could guess it would bother some others. She moved to be within their eyesight with a few guiding pawsteps of her half blind companion.

"Argus Agatsama healer and hunter extrordinair. And this is my friend and constant companion, Kamilah Gyptian also healer and hunter." she had no idea her name was shared nor that the white face she proudly sported was the face of an Asmodeus. Which happened to also be familiar to this pair. Her rainbow back was also her marking of relation to her mother.

"Slow down child, not all at once. Nice to meet you." Kami spoke easily trying to calm her friend down. She was aged in her voice clearly.

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.