
Am I fighting to be heard but leaving no defence



7 Years
Athena I
02-04-2018, 12:43 AM

It only occurred to him after the fact that him jumping out of no where might have scared her - or worse, made a protective parent attack him for doing so - but it seemed like she really was as boisterous as he had been at her age and there didn't seem to be any momma bears near by. The grin that was threatening to break through finally won out as she accepted his challenge and puffed out her chest at him. The way she lowered her ears and had her tail level with her spine didn't go unnoticed by him though. There was some good foundation somewhere under that over confident puppy exterior.

He figured he could at least give her a little fighting lesson while they were at it. All he had ever wanted when he was a pup was for someone to teach him how to fight. He loved his father, but a fighter he was not and he had to wait till he was old enough to get into fights on his own to really learn. Since she was up on a rock with a little bit of a higher ground than him, he jumped forward to land with his hind legs still on the ground and his forepaws on the rock right in front of her. Quickly before she could jump back, he reached up so he could just tap her throat with his nose just to show where he might have attacked if he would have really wanted to hurt her. "You better keep that neck covered up, best fighter ever! Never know when someone will try to spring a fast one on ya!"

He hopped back down to the ground and took a couple quick steps back before he settled into a real fighting stance - just as an example. "Hop down and show me what you're made of!" All just poking fun at her of course, but now he was actually interested. His ears went back and eyes narrowed, chin tucked down to cover his throat while his neck and tail leveled out with his spine. His paws shifted into a steady, widened stance and his toes spread so his claws could catch the soil under them more easily. His shoulders rolled forward and his scruff bunched up around his neck as well. He gave her a slight grin and watched her expectantly.

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