
Am I fighting to be heard but leaving no defence



2 Years
Extra large
02-04-2018, 01:17 AM
Staring him down with an unearned level of confidence and boldness, Caelestis’ tail beat the air in a wild, playful rhythm as she growled from her spot on high. When he came leaping forward, she found herself woefully unprepared for him to actually engage. What was this new and wondrous thing where someone closer to her age than anyone she’d met thus far actually appeared and had fun with her? Lifting a paw and leaning her weight backwards she attempted to evade him but couldn’t escape the light brush of his nose against her throat. Eyes wide like a startled doe she let her right ear flick to the side as she processed what just happened, hearing his tip and taking it in. Yeah, okay, she could see how that could be important given what he just did.

Standing tall with an increasingly curious expression, Caelestis decided this was kind of fun. She just had to get used to the idea of having someone to interact with for once. Nodding at his instruction she grinned and flew down from the boulder with a leap, hitting the ground lightly as a cat in a way that made it easy for her to slip into a more serious fighting stance. A few times her dad showed it to her, and even her mom eventually relented and helped her practice but she still took a while to understand the myriad of things she should do to defend herself when a spar began.

As soon as she felt the earth beneath her paws the girl’s legs moved so they were spaced equidistant, weight distributed evenly across all four limbs, head and tail adjusting to become even with her spine once more, toes flexing so her claws dug into the soil to provide better traction and shoulders rolling forward. As she eyes Pyre she further adjusted herself, mimicking what she missed quickly. Ears flattened, eyes narrowed, and yes, chin tucking to cover her throat. Lips peeled back in a feigned snarl which ended up devolving into a giggle that nearly ruined her stance until she recovered. Sticking her tongue out she called, ”Better?”