
Thick skin and an elastic heart



10 Years
Athena I
02-04-2018, 03:15 PM

Baine slowly came to a stop as she reached the far edge of the wash, her muscles burning and lungs working hard as she panted from her run. Now that winter had passed she wanted to get to the trips Regulus had assigned her, but she wanted to prepare some first. She tried to work out her muscles fairly often, but it had been quite a while since she had really gone for a good, long run. Her endurance had always been her down fall, but she was proud of the progress she had made.

The sun had already gone down quite a while ago. She always tried to wait till the evening to do these runs since she burned oh so easily. Besides, the desert wasn't quite so terribly hot in the evening. The stars and moon gave her enough light to see by. She could hear the ocean waves near-by, but that was pretty much the only other sound she heard aside from her own breathing. Baine padded over to one of the pools of water that had formed with the recent rains to get a quick drink. The sand under her paws was noticeably more damp and saturated with water than it usually was. It would probably be flooded before too long if the rains kept up like they were.

Her ear flicked back as she drank when the slight sound of paw steps against the sand behind her caught her attention. Her head popped up and she tried to peer through the dark to see who it was. Or perhaps she had imagined it... The dark made her a bit jumpy at times.

"Talk" "You" Think