
Am I fighting to be heard but leaving no defence



2 Years
Extra large
02-04-2018, 05:05 PM
OOC: Gunna just say she's shorter than him because liquid time and I do what I want? Yes? Okay.

There was only a brief moment of hesitation on her part. It was so very alien to suddenly have someone who wanted to engage with her. Could she really do real practice, and like, a spar thing where they actually exchanged blows? Her practices so far had been less intense than she'd have liked, and she knew it was partly because she was her parent's youngest kid and the only one left hanging around. Apparently bad things happened before they moved to Dragoste, though she was still hazy on the details for now.

Deciding she wasn't going to back down from defending her imaginary title, Caelestis puffed up a bit, lifting her head slightly as she called, "Careful what you wish for!" Yeah, she was gunna fight! And, at least try to win. She wouldn't kid herself into thinking she'd be amazing when she'd never given it her all before.

Double checking her defenses one last time, meticulous with her preparation in the hopes that it's give her a fighting chance, she kept the legs even, hackles raised down her spine, shoulders rolled forward to keep the ruff pushed forward, knees bend lightly to keep her limbs loose and mobile, eyes narrowed further, tail lowered slightly after having raised slightly so it and her head stayed even with her spine. When she felt confident, her lips peeled back again and she growled with renewed determination. Caelestis had no intention of taking this anything but seriously now.

Suddenly, she coiled her hind legs and let them send her charging towards Pyre head on, claws digging into the soil for traction as she attempted to close the distance. Knees bent further and she lowered her body further over her limbs so she could come in low, real low. As she got closer to her opponent, her limbs stopped moving and she tried to slide the last few feet of distance, head snaking to her left, Pyre's right, as she aimed to a bite(albeit a not so serious one), to where the back of his elbow connected to his torso and the flesh was soft there. At the same time she shifted her weight to her other three legs and her tail flagged out to compensate as she lifted her left paw and tried to stomp on his paw and hopefully leave behind a few minor lacerations, since she doubted she had the weight or intention to do much more.

Caelestis vs Pyre for Title of ultimate fighting champion Practice!
Round 1/?
Height: We'll saay she's a good 34 or so. Since I'm liquid timing this a little.
Build: Medium
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!