
There's nothing more for me; lead me away...

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
02-04-2018, 05:50 PM
Kait gave a small nod when Clay said that she didn’t need to be sorry. She was, but to hear him say that made her feel just a bit better. Things were going to be alright, something told her. Clay wasn’t going to abandon her after all of this… Kaitlyn nestled against him again, drawing comfort from his warmth. She liked being close like this… being close to him. Kaitlyn hadn’t quite realized it, but she was developing strong feelings for the man. He was more than just a protector… He was a friend, a true friend, and perhaps one day she’d even admit to far more. She could certainly feel more in her heart.

But then she heard another voice, an unfamiliar one, and started as she looked over at the stranger. Her eyes widened… though not just because of the appearance of the other. The one who had spoken was… strange. They didn’t smell quite right, smelling of both male and female… but it was their words that had completely caught Kaitlyn off guard. “W-What!?” The other was younger than her… Gods they didn’t even appear to be two years yet, a teen… She realized in the next moment the stranger was blind, so it was likely she could only smell the blood and scent of sex upon her coat.

“No no… You’ve got it wrong…” Kaitlyn whined, flicking her ears back. She wanted to say more, until the other introduced herself… and the appearance clicked. The age clicked. And Kaitlyn felt her body begin to tremble.

It wasn’t just the pink eyes, nor the rainbow coat on a black base… the white mask… The name Agatsuma… “Great Divinities…” Kaitlyn whispered, her gaze dropping. She was starting to tremble more violently, her mind whirling.

“You’re… an… Agatsuma… can’t be…” Her words were shaky, quiet. She looked quickly to Clay and then back to Argus. “...and you have his mask…” She was breathing harder, giving a loud whine.

“Your parents… Your parents…” Kait was starting to lose it. She had flashbacks entering her mind, tears starting to prick her eyes. “Mama… Marina… and… oh no… no!” Kait was trying to get up now, though she was shaking so much she made a newborn deer look stable.

“He… he got…” Kait’s swallowed hard, trying to calm down, trying to keep from going into a full blown panicked state again. She hadn’t caught her mother’s scent on the ship… she wasn’t one of the Demon King’s prisoners or even a mate. This wolf looked to be about the same age as her first litter with him…

Could he have… taken her mother before they even met?

“You’re my…” Kait wasn’t sure what to call the one before her. Sister? Brother? Her brow furrowed some as another whine left her lips. “You’re her kid, aren’t you? Marina Agatsuma… Mother… she…” Kaitlyn let the tears roll down her face.

“I’m… I’m Kaitlyn… Agatsuma…” The girl hadn’t even known about Marina’s litter with Liar either. Didn’t know that she had six more unknown siblings, not counting Argus of course, and that four of those new ones were the children of the Demon King as well…

“C-Clay…” She glanced at the male, feeling her stomach churn. There was worry mingling with the distressed emotions in her eyes. “Argus… is his too… That mask… all my kids had it…”

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.