
Near Light, Near Darkness



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
02-04-2018, 06:00 PM

Brandr remained silent as Sparrow spoke but he couldn't help but nod a bit at her words. The pack had grown quiet since Bass had left and many of it's members had fallen away. Each time the pack had changed paws more and more members would peel off. Apart from Corentine, Brandr couldn't say he really felt like he knew any of his packmates. He was curious to know more of Lark and Kassander but he wasn't exactly outgoing and the other two didn't seem to be either. Maybe everyone just preferred to stick to themselves? "Well, I want to be in it and I'm sure Corentine does to but… you're right. I don't know if it's that we're all a bit introverted or if there are other tensions that could be to blame. I don't know this pack's history but from the way so many members left each time the pack changed paws I can't help but wonder if there is some… soreness that is still lingering." He wasn't sure if he was making sense at all. He wished he could give more advice but he knew nothing of running a pack or what could be done to charge enthusiasm. He could understand Sparrow's consideration, serious or not, for disbanding the pack but he hoped she wouldn't. Not with the refugees here at least.

Brandr came to a halt, fidgeting slightly as she asked if he could manage the rank of Prima Pattuglia. He had to consider it for a moment. Cacciatore was honestly the perfect role for him and he never saw himself in any sort of leadership role. It just wasn't his style but he also know that Sparrow was in a tough spot. Abaven was small, their members busy with personal projects and with the threat of the Abraxas looming on the horizon this was no time to simply wait for things to work out. He nodded. "Yes, I'd be honored to take the position but only temporarily. Cacciatore is the rank I truly find joy in but I understand that sometimes there are job's that just need doing. I'll see what more I can find out about the Abraxas situation. Is there anything in particular you'd like me to try and find out?"

Some evenings feel like windows where we tip our hats beyond all the failures that afflict us and the dusk that feeds the dawn