
There's nothing more for me; lead me away...



3 Years
02-04-2018, 10:17 PM
She could smell the stress and she sat. Smelled and sounded like this woman could use some lavender or something like it. Her surprise at what Argus said brought a half smirk half smile to her face. She really hadn't met too many outside of her family that knew about her so she figured it was her scent and the sight of both genitalia that suprised the girl before her. If she had had manners ever she was sure she lost them long ago. Then the psycho babble started. "Hey slow down, take a breath okay? For one i am an Agatsama, born to Marina Agatsama. For two I have no clue who he is so slow down and explain it."

She waited as more babble came forth. Really this girl needed some lavender. Too bad it didn't grow in the cold though. "Hush child. Argus has no clue who her father is just that her mother wouldn't talk about him. Argus ran away when she was just a babe though and has been learning from me since. Now tell us, what it is you mean ms Agatsama. Who is he? What does he have to do with your sister?" Argus of course was cool with the whole thing. She didn't know she had older siblings other than chasm but she knew if he was there then it was likely her mom had others.

"So if this man is my father how can I find him? I want to learn more about him and why he didn't help mom when she needed him most. Why he made it Chasm' s job to raise us while mom was breaking, and why he left us in celestial the entire time?" she was eager for the answers.

Argus has a sphinx for a companion, named Kamilah, she is assumed to be with Argus unless stated otherwise.