
There's nothing more for me; lead me away...

Kaitlyn I


6 Years
02-04-2018, 11:07 PM
It was confirmed… this girl… Argus was her mother’s daughter… Kaitlyn felt her heart beating faster, racing… Kaitlyn tried to breathe slowly, trying to gather what other information she could. Kaitlyn pressed against Clay, so glad that he was here. The femme looked to the companion as she too began to speak.

Right… she had to calm down… she had to explain. It took her a moment, breathing in and out before she nodded. “S-sorry… It’s… a lot… to take in…” Kait closed her eyes. “Mother... I… I haven’t seen her in so long…” Tears still rolled down her cheeks.

“I…” Her voice cracked, and then she opened her eyes again, looking directly at Argus as she spoke. “YOU CAN’T!” The female practically screamed the words in alarm.

“Argus… you… you can’t…!” Kaitlyn looked down to the ground again, her mind flashing to different times with the man. “He… is known as the Demon King…” Kaitlyn swallowed hard.

“He… He’s not right, Argus. He’s dangerous. One moment he can… he can show gentler side… but the wounds I have… they’re from him. They’re from your father…” Kaitlyn lowered herself to the ground.

“You… you have nieces… one of them though… she’s… she’s gone. His son killed her…” The tears kept rolling. “Those girls… are also your sisters… Your father… is their father too.” Kaitlyn could feel something stirring within. She felt sick…

“Mom was already broken…” Katie whispered. “...But… trust me…  Argus you can’t go there… He might kill you… Worse…” Kait shuddered remembering the threat of if she left again.

“...and if he doesn’t, his Queen…” The brown femme swallowed hard. “...and you might… have more siblings soon.”  Argus was an oddity… But she was family… and she was a healer… maybe with her help she could get some strength back to travel back south again. Somewhere safe…

“...but… but maybe… you’d stay with us? At least a while…” Kaitlyn glanced at Clay again, hoping he might approve. She didn’t want to think that there might be another victim… let alone a sister… and besides that… she wanted to know more about the femme and her companion.

Kaitlyn's current avatar is by Fox on Ardent. Stock is from CastleGraphics on DeviantArt.